Clive Holland sets out to entertain and inform the hard working tradespeople of Britain only on Fix Radio. He's the big guy with a big personality.
Thursday, 6 March 2025
10 minutes
Today it’s Lighthearted Thursday, and today Clive was asking what’s the most ridiculous thing you've heard on site? Was it something you said? Something a work mate said? Or even something one of your client has said to you? Did you spend the week as the laughing stock on site or do your mates always put their foot in their mouths?!We had a right laugh reading out all the best texts from you. Plus we also had the pub lunch quiz for your chance to grab yourself 6 points - enjoy!
Wednesday, 5 March 2025
39 minutes
It's International Women's day on Saturday - and before you ask, 19th November is International Men’s Day - it’s also Women in Construction Week this week. Tradeswomen play a vital role in making the trade what they are so today we are celebrating everything they do. We’re asking if there are enough women within the trade? We want to know what we can do to encourage more women onto site? And we’re asking you if there are any misconceptions around women in the trade or even the trade itself that might be hampering more women getting involved! We were joined by some fantastic women in the ind...
Wednesday, 5 March 2025
24 minutes
Today was Lighthearted Thursday and I wanted to know, if you only had to work 4 days a week what would you do with the extra day - would you start a new hobby, start a passion project or something else? Went through loads of messages from all of you with your own Ideas. Plus we also surprised Benny with the Wickes effect and of course there's also the pub lunch quiz for your chance to grab yourself 6 points - enjoy!
Tuesday, 4 March 2025
28 minutes
Today we were discussing how you can boost you're productivity. Boosting productivity isn’t just about working harder. It’s about working smarter!The right systems can transform the way we work, from better time management to streamlining tasks with technology. So today, we’re asking what changes have you made in the last six months to improve your efficiency?Have you introduced new processes, adopted AI tools, or found smarter ways to manage your workload?And with technology evolving rapidly, how can trades and businesses make the most of automation and AI to stay ahead without losing the ...
Monday, 3 March 2025
28 minutes
Today I talked about this month marking 5 years since the world shutdown for Covid, But the trades kept going! I asked what you're experience was during lockdown, Were you completly booked up? Were you struggling to get work? How did you find the extra processes? And have they affected the way you work today?I was joined by freinds of the show Dan and Dan to talk about their experiences and takeaways. Aswell as sharing the best messages from all of you. Plus theres also the pub lunch quiz for your chance to bag yourself 6 points.
Wednesday, 26 February 2025
27 minutes
Now it's inevitable that sometimes you’ll have to hire another tradesperson and Clive believes finding the right person for the job can make all the difference. So today, we were asking what do you look for when bringing someone new on board? What really sets a great tradesperson apart? We were joined by Scott Mullins - CEO of WeFix and Dave Finegan from Elwood Enterprises to discuss how they decide who to bring on jobs - plus you can also play the pub lunch quiz for your chance to grab yourself 6 points and you’ll hear the very best messages that we received - enjoy!
Tuesday, 25 February 2025
33 minutes
The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) plays a vital role in shaping the future of the UK’s construction workforce. But with ongoing skills shortages and shifting demands, is the CITB doing enough to meet the sector’s needs?On todays show I talked to Mark Farmer the author of the CITB Review about how he thinks it can be improved and we explored the future of the CITB with CEO Tim Balcon. Aswell as hearing what you think.Plus as always there the Pub lunch Quiz!
Monday, 24 February 2025
21 minutes
Setting clear goals each week can make all the difference in staying focused and productive at work. I believe that having a plan, no matter how big or small, helps turn good intentions into real progress. So today, we were asking about your goals for the week. We recived loads of messages about how you lot are meeting deadlines, developing new skills, and maintaining that all important work life balance. We were joined by friends of the show George McKenchie and Reece Stewart to discuss what their goals for the week are - plus you can also play the pub lunch quiz for your chance to grab yo...
Thursday, 20 February 2025
11 minutes
Today was Lighthearted Thursday and Clive wanted to know, if you could go back 10 years - what advice would you give your younger self? We’ve got loads of messages from all of you with your own stories. There’s also the pub lunch quiz for your chance to grab yourself 6 points - enjoy!
Wednesday, 19 February 2025
31 minutes
According to the latest statistics from the Health and Safety Executive, 1.7 million workers in Great Britain suffered from work-related ill health. While specific statistics for tradespeople were not detailed, we know our industry has higher rates of work-related ill health and injury compared to other sectors! So today we talked about all things Health and Safety - do you take it seriously? Do your employers? And what can we do to ensure we reduce injuries and illness on site? To discuss this issue we had Roy Wilders, Manager of the Registered Safety Supplier Scheme at the British Safety ...
Tuesday, 18 February 2025
29 minutes
According to the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB), over 250,000 additional construction workers will be needed by 2028 to meet the industry's needs. Clive believes that one way we can plug that gap is through career switching… So on today’s show we explored what it takes to leave one career behind and step onto site. From retraining options to the skills most in demand, we’re asking—what does it really take to start fresh in the trade? And with the industry crying out for new talent, how can career switchers help shape its future? We were joined by Anglea Forbes MBE from Buildfor...
Monday, 17 February 2025
32 minutes
On today’s show we talked about the more ‘unusual’ trades within our industry today. With less than 100 people a year learning skills such as Stone Dressing, we asked what can we do to ensure these trades don’t die out - and just what do they add to our industry and community!We were joined by James The Yorkshire Stone Dresser as well as Thatcher Paul Shelley.There’s also the pub lunch quiz for your chance to grab yourself 6 points as well as the very best messages that we received - enjoy!
Thursday, 13 February 2025
13 minutes
Today was Lighthearted Thursday and the day before Valentines Day , so Clive asked - when did you get Valentines Day wrong?! What happened? Were you able to rescue the situation? We also wanted to share the love, by reading out any love filled messaged! There’s also the pub lunch quiz for your chance to grab yourself 6 points as well as the very best messages that we received - enjoy!
Wednesday, 12 February 2025
29 minutes
On today’s show Clive talked about the hardest parts of our jobs on site! To discuss the challenges they face, we were joined by Lawrence Robinson from Robinson Roofers and Harrison Elliot - AKA The Benchin’ Bricky! There’s also the pub lunch quiz for your chance to grab yourself 6 points as well as the very best messages that we received - enjoy!
Tuesday, 11 February 2025
28 minutes
On today’s show we talked about retirement plans and chatting about the fact that one in seven small business owners reckon they’ll need to carry on running their business as a side hustle when they begin to draw their pensions. To discuss this issue we had the Chief Business Officer at Pension Bee, Lisa Picardo join us, as well as a friend of Fix Radio - Andy Madden! There’s also the pub lunch quiz for your chance to grab yourself 6 points as well as the very best messages that we received - enjoy!
Monday, 10 February 2025
22 minutes
It’s National Apprenticeship Week, so today Clive wanted you to spotlight your superstar trade apprentices! He was joined by Harrison Mapley who was celebrated as the Construction and Property Apprentice of the Year, plus Newton Robinson who in December 2023 won the Plastering and Finishing category at SkillBuild. There’s also the pub lunch quiz for your chance to grab yourself 6 points as well as the very best messages that we received - enjoy!
Thursday, 6 February 2025
14 minutes
Today was Lighthearted Thursday, so Clive asked - if you won BIG - how would you spend the money? Would you be impulsive and splash the cash or think ahead and invest? He wasjoined by friends of the show who shared their responses, plus loads of messages from all of you with your own stories.There’s also the pub lunch quiz for your chance to grab yourself 6 points as well as the very best messages that wereceived - enjoy!
Wednesday, 5 February 2025
20 minutes
Today Clive wanted to know if you’ve got any exciting holidays lined up that are keeping you going, or if you’ve been too busy to even think about going away!He was joined by friends of the show, Dean Saxton and Sam Blakeney!There’s also the pub lunch quiz for your chance to grab yourself 6 points as well as the very best messages that we received - enjoy!
Tuesday, 4 February 2025
22 minutes
Today Clive wanted to know if you’re yet to experience winter burnout this year, or if you have, how you’re dealing with it? He was joined by friends of the show such as Sparky Milan AKA Danny Webb, and thePointy Plumber!There’s also the pub lunch quiz for your chance to grab yourself 6 points as well as thevery best messages that we received - enjoy!
Monday, 3 February 2025
30 minutes
Today you joined Chance, with Clive out on the streets of London at the Tool Theft Rally , as we try to put an end to our industry’s biggest issue - tool and van theft - once and for all!On the Streets, Clive was joined by Amanda Martin MP - the Member of Parliament who is introducing the Theft of Tools of Trade (Sentencing) Bill - and Matt Vickers MP - the Shadow Minister for Crime, Policing and Fire - plus many friends in the industry. We spoke to them about their experiences, and what they think needs to change! There’s also the pub lunch quiz for your chance to grab yourself 6 points as...
Thursday, 30 January 2025
18 minutes
Today was Lighthearted Thursday, and Clive wanted to hear all about your side hustles that you’ve got going on when you aren’t on the tools! Clive was joined by friends of the show who shared their responses, plus loads of messages from all of you with your own stories. There’s also the pub lunch quiz for your chance to grab yourself 6 points as well as the very best messages that we received - enjoy!
Wednesday, 29 January 2025
18 minutes
It’s easy to get injured on the job, but tough to deal with the financial consequences of doing so. Sotoday Clive wanted to know if you’ve got insurance cover for long term injury’s, or if you’d consider getting it, to protect yourself if you do get hurt and have to take a break from working!He was joined by painterRobin Lush, Kimmy the Spark and Steve from Steve and Alex Bricklaying, who told us about their experiences!There’s also the pub lunch quiz for your chance to grab yourself 6 points as well as the very best messages that we received - enjoy!
Tuesday, 28 January 2025
29 minutes
It’s important to make customers happy when it comes to making and keeping clients, which can be hard when you’re being asked to do things in a specific time frame, or at a certain price, that just don’t work. Today Clive wanted to know - how do you manage your clients expectations, and make sure you’re all kept satisfied?He was joined by friends of the show, John Argyle and Enda Murphy, who gave us their top tips!There’s also the pub lunch quiz for your chance to grab yourself 6 points as well as the very best messages that we received - enjoy!
Monday, 27 January 2025
46 minutes
Tool theft is one of the biggest problems faced in the industry, which is why a week from today, we’reheading out to the streets of London to protest the issue! So today, Clive discussed what the government has done and plans to do to resolve this problem, and he gave you all the details for how to get involved!He spoke in detail about this to MP Chris Philp, MP Amanda Martin, and Shoaib Awan from The Gas Expert! There’s also the pub lunch quiz for your chance to grab yourself 6 points as well as the very best messages that we received - enjoy!
Thursday, 23 January 2025
14 minutes
Today was Lighthearted Thursday, and I wanted to know - If your work mates compared you to a famous sports person, who would it be and why? We were joined by friends of the show who shared their responses, plus loads of messages from all of you with your own stories. There’s also the pub lunch quiz for your chance to grab yourself 6 points as well as the very best messages that we received - enjoy!
Wednesday, 22 January 2025
24 minutes
Weather is a big factor in what jobs become available, or are even possible to do, when working across the trades. Winter always brings on its challenges, but today Clive wanted to know how the sudden drop in temperature in recent weeks has impacted your business.He was joined by friends of the show, including Steve Gray from Steve Gray Gas Services, and Will Hughes, AKA Will the Roofer!There’s also the pub lunch quiz for your chance to grab yourself 6 points as well as the very best messages that we received - enjoy!
Tuesday, 21 January 2025
27 minutes
From April 6th of this year, there will be a change to inheritance tax in the UK, moving from adomicile-based system, to a residence-based one. With this new change on the horizon, today Clivediscussed what this means, and how this may affect those who work in the trade.He was joined by special guests including Rico from National Federation of Builders and Danny Clifford, chair of the Chartered Institute of Taxation's Private Client (UK) Committee!There’s also the pub lunch quiz for your chance to grab yourself 6 points as well as the very bestmessages that we received - enjoy!
Monday, 20 January 2025
26 minutes
Today Clive did a mental health check in to see how you are all doing! He was joined by guests, and there's also the pub quiz for your chance to grab 6 points, plus all the best messages we recieved!
Thursday, 16 January 2025
19 minutes
Fruity and smooth - the two words on a bottle of wine that may influence people to buy it. Today wasLighthearted Thursday, and Clive wanted to know what two words would apply to you?He was joined by friends of the show who shared their responses, plus loads of messages from all of you with your own stories. There’s also the pub lunch quiz for your chance to grab yourself 6 points as well as the very best messages that we received - enjoy!
Wednesday, 15 January 2025
32 minutes
Late last year, Government Ministers scrapped a construction T Level due to a “lack of demand”. The“Onsite Construction T Level” had just 75 completers in its first year and 138 in the next. It’s no longeropen for future enrollments and today on the show, Clive asked, what happens next in terms of gettingfuture tradespeople trained up? He was joined by guests, John Cruickshank and Adrian Davies! There’s also the pub lunch quiz for your chance to grab yourself 6 points as well as the very best messages that we received - enjoy!
Beautiful People
Chris Brown Feat. Benny BenassiCome As You Are
NirvanaLocked Out Of Heaven
Bruno MarsAre you a business in the trade looking to set on an apprentice in 2025? - We've teamed up with Wickes TradePro to help them gain skills for life!
We’ve teamed up with HIPPO Waste to offer you the chance to win a HIPPO Megabag – perfect for keeping your site clear and organized. And the best part? We’ll cover the collection too! Terms and Conditions Apply.