Six months ago Fix Radio pulled on its big boy pants, and went nationwide! Since May we've been available nationally on DAB, on our app, or via the Fix Radio Player on our website. This has rocketed Fix Radio into the big leagues. To measure our expanded audience we contacted one of the UK's most successful research firms. To deliver unbiased reach figures we handed the responsibility to Nielsen, to survey the nation's trade workforce to understand where Fix Radio stood. To learn more about our reach, simply fill in the below form and we will send you the complete report. Should you have any questions please feel free to reach out! Via email: By phone: 0203 793 4992 Contact Form
A sparkie’s bid to sponsor signs on two roundabouts has been refused by planning chiefs who described them as “clutter”
Barbie needed so much fluorescent pink paint that it caused a worldwide supply shortage for an entire company
A woman who bought a South London house was left horrified after builders discovered the body of a man murdered in the 1960s and buried in her garden 14 months after she moved in
A home-owner said his flat has been ruined by black mould caused by a government "green" insulation schem
A builder from Milford Haven who won big on the lottery celebrated his victory by treating all his workmates to a round of bacon rolls
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