A dad from Derbyshire has taken a different approach to keeping his kids entertained during lockdown by installing a variety of climbing frames all over the family home and challenging his children to get from their upstairs bedrooms to the garden without touching the floor. People are calling it an elaborate home version of ‘The Floor Is Lava’ game, but for Matt Heason and his wife Sophie, it was just a creative way to keep their kids active and doing something they loved during lockdown, as normally the family would take their sons climbing at least twice a week. In videos and images shared online, a collection of ropes, climbing grips, hanging bars, ladders and various straps are stationed across their house in the Peak District that provide a variety of different ways to make it from the ground floor and garden all the way up to the attic of the three-story home. Dad turns whole house into climbing frame for epic 'floor is lava' game https://t.co/G6DkrwUYmu pic.twitter.com/x3mcSplHti Speaking to the Mirror, Matt, 48, said "He sleeps in the attic, and the initial idea was to get from the bedroom into the garden for breakfast." "He climbed out of the bed and out an escape ladder, which he climbed down, with a safety rope on, and then in through a window underneath and from there he was able to use furniture, bars, rails to get outside. "Then we reversed it, for this one he had to get from the dining table to his bedroom. "He climbed up the stairs by balancing on the bannister rails, then stopped to brush his teeth while dangling off a pull-up bar, then chimneyed it up the next stairway - that's a climbing technique with your hands are on one wall and the feet on the other.” "Now we've made a climbing wall that leads into his bed, he has to climb in every time into the bed which is in the apex of the room.” Feeling lazy all of a sudden? (H/T Mirror)
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