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Tradespeople join The Clive Holland Show to share their mental health experiences

Posted: Friday, December 6th, 2024

Tradespeople joined The Clive Holland Show this week to share their experiences of managing their mental health.

Landscaper Tom Windle is in "tip-top shape" physically but confesses that mentally, it's been a very "hard" year. "A while back, I suffered a breakdown and went through a difficult time which I struggled to handle. Six months ago, I tried to take my own life."

He got the help he needed, and today, he hopes to help others. "Being open and talking about it to others helped me get through it." 

Leon Williams also reached out to the show to share his experience. It all began after he was scammed into buying a written-off vehicle. "I had to borrow money from family and friends just to pass the MOT." 

At one point, Leon contemplated taking his own life. "You may have a million reasons to end it all but try to find that one reason you need to stay around, and for me, it was my daughter," he says. 

"Reach out and talk to somebody," he advises. "There is a stigma around mental health, and we get told to man up, but it's not as simple as that when you're struggling."

Dr. Jeff Foster also joined the show to offer advice on physical health and mental wellbeing. 

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