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Jamie Johnson and Harry Barnes return to discuss the trade

Posted: Tuesday, April 16th, 2024

John Roberts is joined again by Jamie Johnstone and Harry Barnes to get their opinions on the wider industry as well as their individual stories of how they got into the trade.

Jamie's passion for the trade comes from his grandmother after which he went to college right out of school to pursue a course in landscaping.

Harry, meanwhile, worked at a local garden centre when he was in university to supplement fees and his living expenses. "I was doing an IT course and at that point I realised I didn't want to be inside instead I wanted to work outdoors with plants."

The trio also talk about the pandemic and how it boosted the landscaping industry, why people prefer to cook at home and eat meals in the gardens with family and friends, and how having a landscaped garden is good for mental health.

Harry and Jamie also mention that outdoor/ garden kitchens have become a 'thing' of late. "I think people are starting to appreciate outdoor living a little more now," says Jamie.

They also touched upon making the industry attractive to the young generation and closing the skills gap in landscaping. 

Listen to the podcast here.

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