Festool road-tested its active exoskeleton for tradespeople in the UK earlier this week. The battery powered ExoActive is designed to support a users’ chest, arms, neck and back, while carrying out overhead tasks, such as mortarless construction, painting and plastering. “Once you know first-hand what it’s like to work supported by an active exoskeleton, you won’t want to work on a wall or a ceiling without our ExoActive ever again,” said Dominic Ender, product manager for Festool’s exoskeleton product. “The exoskeleton makes it easier to avoid overexertion during overhead work. Our ExActive reduces the load on the front of users’ shoulder muscles by up to 30%. This means that work feel up to one third easier,” he added. By reducing the level of stress on the body, tradespeople will be able to work more effectively and focus on the quality of their work. The exoskeleton is fully adjustable in a matter of seconds so users can get targeted support where it is needed. The ExoActive is powered by Festool’s 18-volt battery and is compatible with the firm’s entire 18-volt system. The exoskeleton will be available for purchase from ‘specialist’ dealers some time next year. Watch a video below
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