City College Norwich officially opened its Construction Skills Hub on March 13, Eastern Daily Press reported. It will initially train the next generation of electricians and plumbers, two trades with a pressing need for skilled workers. The two-storey building is located on the college’s Ipswich Road campus next to its bricklaying, carpentry, and joinery workshops. Each floor is divided into two large workshops, the ground floor for the training of plumbers and the first floor for future electricians. Each workshop features 10 bays and several large workbenches for practical learning. The government’s skills minister Jacqui Smith opened the Construction Skills Hub. Despite a skills shortage across the East of England, construction output is growing at an annual rate of almost 3%. Liv Bradley, head of construction at the college, said: “The Construction Skills Hub is an essential and exciting addition to our facilities, increasing our capacity to train students for rewarding careers in a growing industry while helping to address key skills gaps. “Our partners have done a fantastic job of turning the vision for the building into reality. "In the first few weeks of teaching, we have already seen how the new workshops are incredibly well-suited to teach core trade skills and the broader skills needed for a constantly evolving industry. The new facility received most of the £4.4m funding from the Department for Education’s Post-16 Capacity Fund, with City College Norwich investing around £400,000 in the project.
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