The Plumbing & Heating Federation has slammed a proposal to lower the school leaving age to 14, to allow more young people to start apprenticeships. The trade body said the idea was “reckless, unworkable and deeply irresponsible.” The original plan was floated by Russell Findlay, leader of the Scottish Conservatives, who said teenagers should be free to pursue hybrid education to escape a system that wasn’t working for them. However, Fiona Hodgson, chief executive of The Plumbing & Heating Federation shot down the idea saying it raised several serious questions around child safeguarding, health and safety, legal liabilities, insurance, and levels of basic academic education. --- Planning approvals for new homes have sunk to the lowest number in a decade – that’s according to a report from the Home Builders Federation (HBF). Last year, just over 242,000 units received planning permission, a 2% drop on the previous year, and the lowest point since 2014. To meet the government’s 1.5 million housing target, planning approvals must rise by 53%, said the HBF. --- A tradesman has taken it upon himself to fix nearly 600 potholes in his local area. Scaffolder Dermot McGeough got fed up waiting for his local council to fix the roads. McGeough, who is also a Conservative county councillor reckons his hands on approach has saved tax payers over £100,000. --- To listen to the construction news please click below
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