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AUDIO NEWS: Labour unveils planning bill, and Checkatrade report surge in rogue traders

Posted: Wednesday, July 17th, 2024

The Labour government confirmed its plans to get ‘Britain building again’ with the introduction of its Planning and Infrastructure Bill during Wednesday’s King Speech. 

The proposed legislation aims to accelerate housebuilding and infrastructure delivery by streamlining the planning process, unlocking more sites for development and enabling land assembly.

While the industry leaders welcomed the clear commitment from the government, they also cautioned that adequate funding was also required.


Checkatrade has reported a surge in rogue tradespeople attempting to join its platform. 

Over the first six months of the year, the trade recommendation site claims it’s seen a 13% increase in the number of firms failing its vetting system.

Of the firms that were rejected, nearly a third failed due to a lack of evidence documentation, 5% were declined due to their bad trading history and a further 8% were banned due to negative reviews.

Last week, a government watchdog called on trade recommendation websites to improve vetting procedures and sanction on rogue traders.


Austria is trying to hire UK carpenters and plumbers as it tries to solve its own skill crisis! 

The number of vacancies in the nation jumped nearly 9% at the start of the year creating employment opportunities for foreign workers.

Although Austrian salaries are said to be competitive with the UK, the country is one of the most expensive countries in Europe.


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