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Fix Radio brings industry together to clamp down on tool theft

Posted: Friday, October 21st, 2022

Tool and van theft are on the rise. Two reports released last month – one by Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles (VCV) and the other by Simply Business and On the Tools –  might have disagreed about the scale of the problem, but they certainly agree the issue is growing. 

According to VCA, more than a third of van drivers reported incidents of tool theft in the last year, up from a quarter only a year ago. 

The van manufacturer estimated that tradespeople were paying an astonishing £4.4 billion a year to replace nicked tools.

The On the Tools report painted a similarly dire picture, with four in five tradies saying they have been victims of tool theft. Well over a third of tradespeople surveyed for the report had had their tools stolen twice.

The report put the cost of tool theft at £2.8 billion, predominantly affecting self-employed tradespeople.

Historically, London has been the nation’s capital of tool and van theft. Not much appears to have changed on that front, but the VCV report noted a “huge surge” of tool theft incidents across Scotland and the North East and West of England.

Volkswagen’s research is borne out by multiple news stories about tool and van theft in Coventry and parts of Yorkshire.

Despite what is clearly a growing problem, the police appear powerless to respond. Home Office figures released in August show that just 3.7% of burglaries and 4.2% of thefts resulted in a charge. Chief Inspector of Constabulary Andy Cooke said victims “aren’t getting the justice they deserve.”

He added that low charging rates were damaging confidence in the police.

If tradespeople were looking for help from Westminster, they'd be disappointed. 

In the year since Fix Radio initially hosted Anti-Tool Theft Week, there has been no attempt to table legislation either about preventing tool theft, introducing stronger sentencing for convicted tool thieves or clamping down on the sale of ‘second-hand’ tools.

So, at this point, it’s fair to argue, we’re on our own.

Undeterred, Fix Radio is hosting Anti-Tool Theft Week again between 24-28th October.

We’re going to bring tradespeople, van manufacturers, tool makers, social media influencers, law enforcement professionals, insurance companies and even politicians together to outline a way forward for the industry. 

Get involved and have your say! Email greg@fixradio.co.uk

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